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Toward a future of peace and non-violence

WAM Catalog 1 on WAM’s 1st Special Exhibit: All About The Women’s International War Crimes Tribunal


Dates of Exhibit: August – Oct. 2005
Women’s Active Museum on War and Peace Compilation
Price: 2000 JYEN (approx. $20.00 USD)
Language: Japanese
Pages: 80
Full Colour

Table of Contents

  1. What is The “Comfort Women” Problem?
  2. The Exhibit “All About The Women’s International War Crimes Tribunal”
  3. The Women’s International War Crimes Tribunal from the Preparatory Stages to Public Response
  4. “An Issue brought to light this Era: Crime Against Women in situations of conflict” the International Public Hearing
    Women’s Active Museum on War and Peace Compilation

This catalogue is a reproduction of the contents of the exhibit WAM’s 1st special exhibition.
The catalogue includes the chronology of The Women’s International War Crimes Tribunal, court sessions, prosecution, evidence, and information on the distortion of history- a chart comparing textbooks former content and their present content and a list of the statuses of judgements of cases brought by individuals before the Japanese court.

This catalogue is fully loaded with valuable information.