English 日本語
Toward a future of peace and non-violence



The Active Museum, Women’s Museum on War and Peace, is the basis of memory to convey to the next generation how cruelly Asian women suffered from Japan’s military sexual slavery, demonstrating the responsibility Japan has to take.

We use good care to listen the victimized women and take up the facts of victimization with seriousness. In addition, we hope that any armed conflict under way will come to an end and conflict caused violence against women be eradiated. We will make every effort to create a peace-prevailing society without war where women are able to enjoy their human rights, using the Museum as basis of activities.

Without your cooperation and support, we would be unable to pursue the objects and develop activities more. We sincerely hope that you will us a hand by joining support membership or club membership.

General membership

The member who stands by the ideas and purposes of the Museum is supposed to pay an annual membership fee of 10,000 yen and support our active museum movement. (The annual fee can be paid by installments.)

Sustaining membership

The member is supposed to receive museum newsletters and event information to regularly know what is going on in the Museum.
Annual fee 3,000 yen
Upon becoming a support or club member, you will get a wam card, enabling you to
Support membership Club membership
Visit the Museum free of charge (show your card at the entrance) Yes No
Attend a seminar or symposium or buy publications at a lower rate Yes No
Get information on upcoming events, newsletters and Be registered in the Museum’s mailing list Yes Yes

Fill in an application format as required and transmit to the Museum. And pay your annual fee into the following account: Transfer to:

Account No. 00110-2-579814,
Sakuragaoka Post Office, Shibuya City,
in the name of the Human Rights Fund on Women’s War and Peace.


WAM is managed mainly by membership fee, entrance fee and donations.
To maintain our independence, we do not seek funding from the Japanese government.
Your donation will be highly appreciated to maintain our activities!

Account No. 00110-2-579814,
Sakuragaoka Post Office, Shibuya City,
in the name of the Women’s Fund for Peace and Human Rights.

Get Involved

If you are interested in supporting our work, please contact us!
We always welcome volunteers, especially translating Japanese materials into English.
For more details, please contact wam@wam-peace.org