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Toward a future of peace and non-violence

WAM Catalog 4 on WAM`s 4th Special Exhibit: East Timor: The Women Who Survived the War


Dates of Exhibit: Mar. – Nov. 2006

Women’s Active Museum on War and Peace Compilation

Price: 1500 JYEN (approx. $15.00 USD)
Language: Japanese
Pages: 48
Full Colour
Date Published: March 2007

Table of Contents

  1. The History of East Timor and the Aggression of The Japanese Imperial Army
  2. Sexual Violence Committed by the Troops
  3. The Struggle to Seek Justice for Women

WAM Catalogue 4 on WAM’s 4th Special Exhibit
East Timor: Women Who Survived the War

For many years East Timor was occupied and controlled by foreign countries: Portugal, Japan and Indonesia. During those times of foreign domination female victims of sexual violence, including “comfort women”, had no choice but to remain silent. Only recently are women beginning to raise their voices and demand justice.

Learn about the history of aggression and sexual violence committed by troops in East Timor. This is valuable material on the struggle of East Timorese Women. Results of recent studies are also included in this publication.